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Pediatric Chiropractor For Kids In Phoenix, AZ

The path from infancy to adulthood involves several physical transformations and difficulties that require adequate pediatric attention. Chiropractic therapy during childhood can aid in a child’s healthy growth and development, both physically and neurologically. Even slight misalignment during birth has the potential to disrupt the smooth functioning of the body’s vital systems.

Colic, allergies, ear infections, and asthma are just some conditions that can affect children with nerve dysfunction. 17% of chiropractic patients are under 18, 8% have yet to reach the age of five. Effective, non-invasive, and all-natural treatment for various pediatric health and development difficulties is crucial for everyone, young patients especially. Neglecting to address conditions only allows them to progress and become more difficult to treat. Chronic conditions lead to dysfunction and degeneration in adulthood.

$49 Chiropractic Special

  • Consultation
  • Exam
  • X-Rays
  • Dr’s Report of Findings
  • First Treatment & Report On Day 2 Appointment
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How Our Pediatric Care Plan For Kids Works

Find It

Through our meticulous exam process we are going to find the root cause of your problem and show you exactly what is going on.

Fix It

We will develop a custom plan of attack using our comprehensive approach that won’t just have you feeling better in the short term but will give you the lasting results that you have been looking for.

Forget It

When you aren’t feeling 100% it is hard to focus on much else. Once we get you feeling and functioning better you will be able to forget all about your problem and get back to enjoying your life!

How We Treat Kids at Each Stage in Their Development In Phoenix, AZ

Newborn Chiropractic (Birth to First Month)

Subluxations – misalignments to the spine that can cause pain and interrupt proper nerve flow – can happen as early as birth, whether through natural delivery or C-section. The birthing process can be overwhelming for mother and baby, with over 70 pounds of pressure exerted on the baby’s neck, spine, and head. This pressure can lead to misalignment of spinal bones or abnormal stress on the muscles. These misalignments interfere with the nervous system, potentially impacting the functioning of a baby’s body during the early stages of life.

Chiropractic care for newborns is exceedingly gentle. It has effectively addressed issues such as difficulties with breastfeeding, digestive disorders, acid reflux, ear infections, colic, and more. Identifying and addressing these issues early on improves a baby’s development and decreases the risk for problems later in life. Not to mention, it also makes parenting a whole lot easier.

Toddler Chiropractic (1 to 3 Years)

Growing up is hard work. As kids learn to walk, they often experience numerous falls with the potential to cause subluxations and impact the development of their bodies. Addressing and correcting subluxations optimizes normal nerve function and allows a child to recover quickly from injury.

As children progress in speech and social development, a well-functioning nervous system is critical for processing new information. This is also a time when children’s immune systems develop, making them more prone to illness. Preschool or early school environment exposes them to various viruses and bacteria due to interactions with other children. A healthy nervous system creates a robust immune system, bolstering their overall health.

School-Age Chiropractic (5 to 18 Years)

Puberty is a unique challenge – for kids and parents. During this period, musculoskeletal disorders like scoliosis become more prevalent among teenagers, and sports injuries frequently occur as they become active.

The emergence of cell phones in children’s lives brings about the rapid rise of “tech neck” and other postural issues as they spend hours each day looking down at their devices. This posture significantly strains the neck and can lead to neck problems and headaches. Headaches may be common, but they are not normal and indicate more serious issues.

A child’s mental and emotional health can also benefit from chiropractic care. The hormonal effects of adjustments and an optimized nervous system relieve stress, regulate sleep patterns, improve cognitive function, and enhance mood. Imagine a well-rested, smiling teenager who hears you the first time you say something…

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Common Childhood Conditions That We Have Helped In Phoenix, AZ

Breastfeeding Problems

It can be frustrating and even concerning when your baby has trouble breastfeeding. Some mothers report that their baby will only latch from one side and not the other. The root cause of this issue lies in a subluxation of the cervical spine. This joint restriction makes it difficult for the child to turn their head in both directions. Our chiropractors use safe and gentle techniques to restore mobility and alignment to the neck bones helping infants latch more easily.


Most babies with reflux will show symptoms by spitting up, arching the back during feeding, coughing, gagging, or irritability during feeding. Babies are generally started on medication because they spit up regularly, but this is not necessarily the best solution. We correct reflux by adjusting the spine. Once there is no misalignment in the upper back, pressure on the nerves is relieved, and the body can function properly.


Colic is excessive, inconsolable weeping in infants aged 0-3 months over three days per week for at least three weeks or beyond, most frequently in the late afternoon and early evening. Somewhere between 20% and 40% of infants experience this syndrome.

Both children and parents experience stress as a result of colic. Parents are increasingly turning to many conservative forms of therapy, such as chiropractors, as they become dissatisfied with the success of pharmaceutical treatments in managing infantile colic and worried about the harmful consequences of these drugs.

Issues With Crawling, Standing, or Other Movements

A strong spine will help children achieve all their physical milestones. Crawling is an excellent indicator of proper physical and neurological development. Subluxations in the spine can interfere with the brain’s ability to acquire new information or skills. Misalignments in the spine disrupt nerve flow and the brain’s ability to communicate with the rest of the body, making it more difficult to achieve those physical milestones.


Normal breathing relies on a steady supply of nerve impulses because it is a finely tuned mechanism. These potentially fatal attacks are commonly triggered by improper nerve and spinal function and environmental or food allergies.

Many people with asthma feel hopeless because of the potential for serious adverse effects from the long-term use of bronchodilators and steroid-based medicines. We look for and treat the root of the problem regarding breathing difficulties.

Correcting subluxations, or areas of neural obstruction, is the primary focus of chiropractic in pediatric treatment. Aligning these regions improves function and health because of their close relationship to the nerve supply associated with lung function.


Scoliosis is a disease where the spine curves to one side (right or left, depending on which side of the spine is affected) and can be very painful. This disease usually starts during adolescence and becomes more severe as time goes on. That’s why it’s critical to be assessed for scoliosis early. Chiropractic care can help manage the progression of scoliosis and improve patients’ quality of life by improving the health and structure of the spine.


Constipation is a problem that most babies experience. Children are often prescribed suppositories or laxatives, but that doesn’t address the root cause of the problem. Chiropractic care addresses subluxation of the nerves that control the lower bowel. By optimizing that nerve supply, digestive function normalizes naturally.

Ear Infections and Other Infections

By the time a child reaches three, half of all children have had at least three ear infections. The antibiotics used to treat ear infections have nasty side effects that can increase the risk of developing asthma by 72%. Research has shown that adjustments help regulate fluid flow within the ear canal to reduce the frequency of ear infections. This leads to reduced antibiotic usage and less ear tube surgery.

Sports Injuries

Children are at increased risk for spinal injuries due to their developing bodies and increased physical activity. Injuries affect over a third of athletes in high school every year. Spinal and nerve malfunction, the result of childhood trauma and poor posture, can adversely affect a child’s body as they begin to play sports at a higher level. Optimizing nerve function improves reaction time, balance, coordination, and recovery. Adjustments to the musculoskeletal system ensure the body is using the proper form to maximize its strength and performance and prevent injury.

Check Out Our Location Near You

2735 W Union Hills Dr #102, Phoenix, AZ 85027

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Frequently Asked Questions

Is chiropractic safe for a child?

Chiropractic is among the safest forms of healthcare for a child. Many children are born with spinal misalignments, which can harm their health and development. Chiropractic adjustments can improve their health and immune systems by removing nerve interference.

When should you take your child to a chiropractor?

Spinal misalignments can happen as early as the birthing process and interfere with development and proper health. Early assessment ensures the proper development of cells, muscles, tissues, and organs.

How do I know if my baby needs a chiropractor?

Reflux, colic, constipation, bedwetting, and other common childhood illnesses may be considered common, but they are not normal. They are an indication that the nervous system is not working correctly. Chiropractors will assess a child’s spine for misalignments interfering with proper nerve flow. Correcting those subluxations will relieve the symptoms that many parents assume are common.

Can chiropractic help with bed-wetting?

Chiropractic is frequently used to treat bed-wetting in children. Interference and irritation of the nerves that service the bladder may disrupt communication between the body and brain, alerting the brain to the full bladder. Chiropractors can correct his interference to restore communication.

What are the benefits of chiropractic care for kids?

Chiropractic care improves children’s immune systems, reduces childhood illnesses, and ensures proper physical and neurological development without needing drugs or surgery.

Is pediatric chiropractic the same as chiropractic for adults?

Yes and no. Chiropractors don’t need to use the same amount of pressure to correct subluxations, and children usually recover faster because the problem has not been there as long. Receiving chiropractic early on in life also educates a child on the importance of how their bodies work and how to take care of them naturally.

$49 Chiropractic Special

Consultation, Exam, X-Rays, Dr’s Report of Findings, First Treatment & Report On Day 2 Appointment

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