Dr. William Nelson, NMD
Naturopathic Medicine
Welcome. Whether you were referred to our office from one of our satisfied patients or you found our website on a google search, you’re in the right place if you are looking for a solution to your chronic painful knee, hip, shoulder, back, neck, elbow, ankle, etc.
Dr. William Nelson has successfully treated people that were told:
“You’re going to need surgery”
“There’s nothing else I can do, I guess we can try prescription pain meds”
“You’re just going to have to live with the pain”
“You’re just getting older, your pain and sore joints are to be expected”
“You’re going to need continuing chiropractic/massage/acupuncture treatments to control your pain, but
I don’t see you being pain free no matter what you do
“Your knee (hip, etc) joint is bone on bone, you need a joint replacement”
‘You’re going to have to stop your….
…iron man competitions
For 22 years, Dr. Nelson has helped patients like these become pain free or return to their chosen sport or activity and would love to help you do the same. His experience providing safe and effective non-surgical treatments for chronic pain, sports injuries, and back and neck pain is a great addition to all the other services you can receive at Gonstead Physical Medicine. Dr. Nelson is uniquely qualified in his ability to provide injection therapies to help patients regain their health and vitality and improve their quality of life.
Services available include:
In-house ultrasound evaluation and ultrasound guided injections
Soft tissue manipulation and fascial release
Ultrasound, radiofrequency and far infrared therapy
Natural and Rx pain medications
Screening for systemic inflammation
Toxicity, GI, liver, hormones
Neuroprolo therapy
Trigger point injections
Traditional prolotherapy injections
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